  • location 15 Angel Hill, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1UZ
  • Call 01284 705 637
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At Cathedral Dental, our highly skilled team of kind dental professionals are passionate about bringing preventive care to all our patients.

What is preventive dentistry?

At Cathedral Dental, preventive dentistry forms the foundation of our practice. Put simply, preventive dentistry is the care and treatments we provide to our patients to ensure their long-term oral health. This includes regular dental check-ups, visits to the dental hygienists, and minimally invasive treatments that can help prevent the need for more invasive intervention in the future.

Regular dental hygiene appointments can help prevent and diagnose gum disease, for example, while teeth cleaning treatments such as Airflow Tooth Polishing can help remove and prevent plaque and tartar from forming. This in turn can help prevent tooth decay from occurring. We also provide mouth cancer screenings as part of all our regular dental examinations.

We’ll also help formulate an at-home care routine that you can follow to help keep your teeth and oral health in good condition. At-home care is the first line of defence in oral health and hygiene, and one of the most important aspects of preventive dentistry. We always recommend patients bush their teeth twice a day for two minutes with a fluoride toothpaste, as well as flossing regularly. Our professional team can also help tailor an at-home routine for you, according to your specific oral health and hygiene history and needs.

To Learn more about this treatment or to book an appointment at cathedral dental
Contact Us or Call 01284 705 637
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  • 15 Angel Hill, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1UZ
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