Indy attended an amazing Teeth Whitening Course held at the Millbank Tower in Westminster, London on Friday 9th May. The course had 9 world class speakers all of whom are experts in the science of teeth whitening.
After a very early start (he had to catch the train at 5:45am!) he eventually made it to London. All of the speakers were excellent and he learnt all about the latest teeth whitening materials and techniques. He also bought some of the new state of the art whitening systems, which should be in the practice within the next few days.
He said “The course was great. It’s always exciting to learn about new things. Teeth Whitening is constantly changing so it is really important to keep up to date with everything. I will be putting everything I’ve learnt into practice and all the new materials and techniques will be up and running within the next few days.
Cathedral Dental now has all the latest cutting edge techniques to whiten your teeth, which sets us apart from other dental practices.”
So if you want to get your teeth white and get the smile you have always wanted come and see us. You can be reassured by the fact that you will be getting the safest, most comfortable and most advanced whitening treatment available today.
We will initially carry out a detailed consultation where we will discuss with you how white you want your teeth and smile to look. We will then create a perfect whitening programme which is totally bespoke for you.
So give us a call on01284 705637 or email to book your free consultation. We look forward to seeing you.