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Friday 24th, July, 2015

Summer outings and cake

Well, Indy has asked me to write a blog for the website, and he is the boss so I suppose I had better do as he asks.

There’s not much to report at Cathedral Dental this week, as always we have been very busy, everyone has been working their little socks off keeping the practice running smoothly. Indy baked a very large cake and brought most of it in – we demolished it during the lunch hour on Monday, we do not mess around when it comes to cake, it’s every man for himself when one appears in the building and the staff room resembles feeding time at the zoo.

Did you know that in Finland you can rent a glass igloo and sleep under the Northern Lights? I think this sounds amazing and am thinking of pitching it to Indy as a suitable choice for the staff Christmas do. If we all club together and chip away at him a little I’m sure he will agree that it really is the most fantastic idea!

We are all really looking forward to our summer outing in August. Our only worry being that Indy is in charge of arrangements and he does like to leave things until the last minute – for such a successful business owner he is very blasé about organisation! I think we have established that we are going to London but other than that Indy hasn’t really told us anything, which means that he has no idea what we are doing and will probably decide the day before! We are all really excited though and are putting our faith in Indy to pull it out of the bag in the nick of time as he has in previous years.

I hope all of you lovely people have had a fabulous week and all have a great weekend!

Ciao for now,

Amanda xx

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