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Thursday 11th, December, 2014

Radio Show

So….. I was on the radio again yesterday on RWS FM morning show I thought it was really good show, but I suppose I would say that as I was on it. I hope anyone who listened in enjoyed it and found in informative.

Anyway if you did miss it here is a brief rundown of what we talked about:

– We talked about all the exciting treatments we offer like Cosmetic Teeth Straightening (using Invisalign, FastBraces or 6MonthSmiles just to name a few), Teeth Whitening and Botox Anti-wrinkle treatments.

– Why not give someone a unique different Xmas present this year and get them a Cathedral Dental Gift voucher. How cool would it be to give somebody a new smile as an Xmas gift.

– We are on-call over the Xmas period. So don’t worry if you break a tooth or have any problems over the Xmas holidays as I will be on the end of the phone to help you out.

– There are lots of exciting things happening at the practice in 2015. Firstly there will be new team members coming in. Don’t worry nobody is leaving is just that we are so busy we are getting new dentist and nurse to help us out. Some of the surgeries are gonna have a refurbishment so they will be even more super modern and state of the art.

– New patients are always welcome at the practice so if you want to come and see us then just give us a call on 01284 705637 or email us at info@cathedraldental.co.uk

So even though I was on air for a short while I did manage to say a lot!!!

By the way I forgot to take a photo when I was at the radio station so I have included a photo of our amazing receptionist Amanda holding an Xmas tree and a reindeer. Eventhough the photo has nothing to do with this blog I thought I would include it as it looked pretty festive.

Indy “I really need to start my Christmas shopping” Singh

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  • 15 Angel Hill, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1UZ
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